Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 2How did you hear about us *Choose any of…Referral/Word of mouthGoogle SearchTwitterInstagramFacebookStaff PresentationReferred By *Staff Name *Existing ClientChoice 1YesNoMeristem strictly prohibits payment of CASH by existing and prospective clients to any representative of the Company, for any reason whatsoever. All payments to the Company shall be by way of cheques or bank drafts issued in the name of the Fund or by direct bank transfers or cash payments to the Company’s designated Bank Accounts. The Company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may arise from failure of the client to adhere to this directive. If you do not receive any investment notification 48 hours after making payment for your investment, please contact our representatives via [email protected]Customer InformationTitle *MrMrsMissMasterDrProfChief/SirSurname *First Name *Other NamesJoint ApplicantsNoYesTitle_2 *MrMrsMissMasterDrProfChief/SirSurname_2First Name_2Other Names_2 IF APPLICANT IS A MINOR, PLEASE WRITE NAME OF SPONSOR BELOWIs Applicant a Minor?NoYesTitle *MrMrsMissMasterDrProfChief/SirSurnameFirst NameOther NamesResidential Address *State *Country *Mobile Number *Email *Date of Birth *Occupation *Religion *Mother's Maiden Name *Type Of ID *International PassportDriver's License issued by the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC)Inland Revenue Tax Clearance CertificateNational Identity CardPermanent Voter's Registration card issued by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)ID Number *Issue Date *Expiry Date *Next Of Kin *Next of Kin's AddressNext of Kin's Phone No *Next of Kin's Email *Relationship *Preferred Mode of Communication *EmailTelephoneBank Account InformationAccount Name *Account Number *Bank NameBVN *Interest/Dividend Re-InvestmentYesNo Dividends/Redemption payments will only be made to the bank account details stated above.NationalityNigerianNon-NigerianIf not Nigerian, please state Nationality KYC Documents (kindly upload files max 1MB in size)Passport * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Utility Bill Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Form of Identification * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Unit Holder's Signature * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Passport_2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Utility Bill_2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Form of Identification_2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Unit Holder's Signature_2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. NextPlease indicate if this is a new investment, top up or rollover by ticking the applicable box below. * *New InvestmentTop UpRolloverAmountMinimum of 1,000,000Tenor *90 Days180 Days365 DaysYIELD: 14% (Gross)YIELD: 13% (Gross)YIELD: 12% (Gross)YIELD: 11% (Gross)Agreement *I agree to the terms and conditions belowMeristem Infrastructure Linked Product (MILP) is an investment vehicle tailored to provide capital preservation as well as offer investors diversification by investing primarily in debt securities that are linked to infrastructural development projects backed by the Lagos State Government. The product provides secure and safe returns to investors who want to diversify their funds into infrastructural development projects to earn competitive returns. Tax:Investment is subject to 10% withholding tax. Penalty for Early Redemption:Redemption before maturity (in full or part) shall attract a penalty charge of 20% of the return earned on the investment. Nature of Investment:Fixed Placement linked to an underlying security Underlying Security :Lagos State Infrastructure Bond with Credit Rating AA- (GCR) Risk and Reward :Investors shall assume the entire risks and rewards associated with the MLIP investment Inherent Risks :Risk related to the issuer of the underlying securities include but not limited to Political, Default & Repayment risks I/We declare that we are aware of and accept the risks inherent in the investment, knowing that the realization of those risks may cause me/us to suffer financial loss.PreviousNameSubmit